One of our neighbors, Stayce Koegler, has coordinated a group gift for the gate attendants every year for the past 6 years. She is collecting again. If you are interested in participating, here is the information:
“I'll be coordinating a Group Gift again this year for our hard working gate attendants. If you'd like to participate you may contribute the following ways:
Venmo - @stayce-koegler
Cash or Check in our mailbox - 113 Grays Creek Court
Of course, participation is your choice - below are the names of our amazing guards if you prefer to do your own thing:
Glenda Wilkerson
Jeannette Cooper
Rose Watts
Odell Sharpless
Jimmy Furgerson
Latoya Rivers
I will take contribations until December 3rd. Once the gift is collected I'll reach out again to see if anyone would like the honor of delivering the gift cards - it's a feel-good moment for sure - they are incredibly grateful and it brings me to tears every year!
Long Point Rocks! = )))”